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We don’t like the word “orphanage”. 

Our children live in a Home…not a “child warehouse”. 

An orphanage can be a cold, scary place for an orphaned, abused or abandoned child, but we believe that God wants us to provide a rich family experience for the children. We eat, play, work and attend church together. We teach them that their Heavenly Father loves them and provides for them through people who care. If these children are not raised in a family environment, they have little chance of success of one day having their own prosperous family. We thank God for the many positive changes we see in the children but without the care and concern of people like you, these children might not ever know the love of Jesus or the love of a true family. Remember…God expects all of us to care for orphans, but He also says that He will “bless (us) in all (our) works” when we do care for them. (Deut. 15:10)


The Home can accommodate up to 55 children including infants.  The children coming to us are brought to us from Child Protective Services of Mexico (PRONNIF) as well as private placements.

Our Home IS

a Home!

The stories of the lives of these children can rival any Hollywood nightmare tale. The depravity of humans that would inflict such horrible treatment upon these innocent victims is almost unimaginable.

There are children who were being sold on the black market for body parts...not by some cold and calculating mafioso, but their grandmother!  

There are children here who have been sold for sex on a nightly basis by mothers or other family members. 

There are those very little ones that have been sexually abused in unspeakable ways by both men and women. 

There are those that have experienced horrible hunger because they have been so terribly neglected or even abandoned.

And then there are those who are simply orphaned having no one in this life that they can call Mommy & Daddy. 

God's heart must surely break.

Our Children


Our desire is to maintain a home where these children can feel safe, be loved by a family, be taught the Word of God, receive an education and develop a plan for their future as they grow. 

...And we even have FUN!   ...that's important too.

We thank God for the people that He has joined to us as financial partners so that this work can continue to grow. Without financial partners coming alongside us in this work, it would be hard to provide the kind of care that we do. We are always looking for ways to expand our ministry and so we are always looking for new partners to grow with us. 

We are making a difference in the lives of the children that live with us, but with more partners we can reach many more lives!

Our Goal

​We have committed to the Lord and to the children to provide a the following distinctives.

  • A loving family environment in which to live…not a “child warehouse.

  • A Godly mother and father who model the family of God….not a “staff” of caretakers

  • A home where they are taught that they are special and they can be filled with hope about the plan God has for their life

  • A home where they are taught that first, a Biblical education and secondly, a secular education are the foundations of a successful future

  • A home where they are bathed in love and acceptance

Our Commitment to The Children


We Believe...


A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows,
Is God in His holy habitation.

Psalm 68:5

God speaks about being the Father to the orphans and the fatherless with a different and more profound emphasis than when he speaks about being the Father of all beleivers. He commands the Church to take special care of these children, so we believe that they should be treated with the same quality of care and nurturance that we provide for our own children. They are "King's Kids".


God sets the solitary in families;...

Psalm 68:6

Children deserve to be loved, nurtured and raised in a family home...not a "child warehouse".


And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

Mat 18:5

Jesus takes it personally when we care for orphans.


Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.

Prov 21: 13

God warns us not to turn a deaf ear to orphans.

He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.

Prov 28:27

Our personal prosperity is directly related to our support and care of orphans.

Pure and undefiled religion (religion = thrëskeia in Greek = worship) before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and  widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

Psalm 68:5

God calls caring for orphans and widows
"pure and undefiled worship".

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White Stone Ministries
807 B Veterans Blvd.,
Del Rio, TX 78840

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© 2018 by White Stone Ministries

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